PhD Candidacy
Computational Media Design
University of Calgary, Canada.
Royal College of Art
London, England
Master of Fine Arts
Printmaking & Digital Media
University of Calgary, Canada.
Bachelor of Fine Arts
with Distinction and Distinguished Exhibition
University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada.
Bachelor of Arts
Studio Art
University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada.
Certificate of Museum Studies
Canadian Museums Association, Ottawa, Canada.
Residencies + Fellowships
Artist in Residence
Palazzo Monti Residency Program, Brescia, Italy.
Resident Artist
Ionion Center for the Arts + Culture, Kefalonia, Greece.
Visiting Artist
Hellenic International Studies in the Arts. Paros, Greece.
Reader + Researcher
Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vatican City.
Visiting Artist
American Academy in Rome, Rome, Italy.
Artist in Residence
Skopelos Foundation for the Arts, Isle of Skopelos, Greece.
Artist in Residence
Spiazzi Venezia, Venice, Italy.
Visiting Artist
American Academy in Rome, Rome, Italy.
Artist in Residence
A.I.R. Vallauris, Vallauris, Cote d’Azur, France.
The Bau Institute, Otranto, Italy
Artist in Residence
Apothiki Art Centre, Paros, Greece.
Artist in Residence
Apothiki Art Centre, Paros, Greece.
Visiting Artist
Hellenic International Studies in the Arts. Paros, Greece.
Artist in Residence
Sambard Islenskra Myndlistarmanna (SIM), Association of Icelandic Visual Artists,
Reykjavik, Iceland.
Artist in Residence
Skopelos Foundation for the Arts, Isle of Skopelos, Greece.
Solo Exhibitions
Artpowher Contemporary, Zurich, Switzerland.
Herringer Kiss Gallery, Calgary Canada.
It's not the end of the world
Artpowher Contemporary, Zurich, Switzerland.
Herringer Kiss Gallery, Calgary, Canada.
Ionion Center for the Arts + Culture, Kefalonia, Greece.
Herringer Kiss Gallery, Calgary, Canada.
Mondo Liquido
Spiazzi Venezia, Venice, Italy.
Acqua Vellutata Sospesa
A.I.R Vallauris, Vallauris, South of France.
Apothiki Art Centre, Parikia, Paros Island, Greece.
Apothiki Art Centre, Parikia, Paros Island, Greece.
Keyano Gallery, Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada.
Beneath the Surface
Newzones Gallery of Contemporary Art, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Nickle Arts Museum, Calgary, Alberta. Canada.
Time Pieces
The Little Gallery, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Knackered – an exhibition of work produced at the Royal College of Art.
The Little Gallery, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Time & Space
Titles Gallery, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
The Ghosts of Memory
Gordon Snelgrove Art Gallery, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Unfinished Memories
Selected Group Exhibitions
Herringer Kiss Gallery, Calgary, Canada.
HKG Summer 2024 Group Show
Volkshaus, Basel, Switzerland.
Photo Basel
Δικαστήριο Σανταρόζα (Former Santarosa Courthouse), Athens, Greece.
*/ 20th Athens Digital Arts Festival 2024 | Techno(s)cene
AUDIR Auditório Municipal do Peso da Régua, Douro, Portugal.
11th International Printmaking Biennial of Douro 2023
Kupfer Gallery, London, UK.
All About Artists
Galerie Lou Babazouk 2, Nice, France.
Invitation au Voyage
Herringer Kiss Gallery, Calgary, Canada.
Museu do Douro, Portugal.
5th Global Print 2022
Contemporary Calgary, Calgary, Canada.
LOOK Art Auction Exhibition
Herringer Kiss Gallery, Calgary, Canada.
Holiday Salon 2021
Novosibirsk State Art Museum, Russia.
Novosibirsk International Graphic Art Triennial 2021
Herringer Kiss Gallery, Calgary, Canada
HK Summer 2021 Group Show
Snelgrove Art Gallery, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada
The Snelgrove Salon: Part I - From the Collection of the University of Saskatchewan's Art & Art History Collection
2020 / 2021
MANA Contemporary, Jersey City, New Jersey, USA.
Palazzo Monti : Transatlantico
ARTPOWHER Contemporary, Zurich, Switzerland.
MODERN WOMXN. You think you know me.
Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Alexandria, Egypt.
The Art of Staying at Home: Artists in the Time of Corona
Herringer Kiss Gallery, Calgary, Canada.
Artistic Pairings
Museu do Côa, Portugal.
Tenth International Printmaking Biennial of Douro 2020
Contemporary and Digital Art Fair
MANA Contemporary x CADAF Online Contemporary + Digital Art Fair
Casa-Museu Teixeira Lopes, Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal.
Fourth Global Print 2019
Palazzo Monti, Brescia, Italy.
Pazzo Palazzo
Herringer Kiss Gallery, Calgary, Canada.
Sampler 2018
Museu do Côa, Portugal.
Ninth International Printmaking Biennial of Douro 2018
Herringer Kiss Gallery, Calgary, Canada.
HK Summer 18 Group Show
MAX Heritage LRT Station, Calgary, Canada.
(MAX Teal LRT Station shelters exhibit select works from the City of Calgary’s Public Art Collection. Heritage Station includes work by Marion Nicoll, Colleen Shepstone, and Laurel Johannesson).
Herringer Kiss Gallery, Calgary, Canada.
The Photographers
(an Exposure Photography Festival group exhibition with work by Laurel Johannesson, Eszter Burghardt, Toni Hafkenscheid, David Burdeny, Tia Halliday, and Shane Arsenault.)
Museo d'Arte della città di Ravenna / Biblioteca Classense, Ravenna, Italy.
Generative Art International
Douro, Portugal.
Third Global Print 2017
Ionion Center for the Arts + Culture, Kefalonia, Greece.
SEA(S) International Exhibition 2016
Museu da Vila Velha, Vila Real, Portugal.
Eighth International Printmaking Biennial of Douro 2016
Glenbow Museum, Calgary, Canada.
From Our Collection: Recent Acquisitions 2015
Second Life virtual space.
First Virtual Biennal 2016
Douro, Portugal.
Second Global Print 2015
Herringer Kiss Gallery, Calgary, Canada.
From Our Drawers
(Prints by Bill Laing, Ken Webb, Harry Kiyooka, Katie Ohe, Laurel Johannesson, and Marjan Eggermont.)
Dyson Gallery, Royal College of Art, London, UK.
RCA Secret 2015 (London)
A4 Space, Alserkal Avenue Contemporary Galleries, Art Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
RCA Secret 2015 (Dubai)
Zhongshan National Gallery, Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, Zhongshan, Taiwan.
Printed in Canada / Taiwan
Dyson Gallery, Royal College of Art, London, UK.
RCA Secret
SNAP Gallery, Edmonton, Alberta.
Locating Spirituality & From Objects to Icons: Reverence and Ritual from SNAP’s Archives
Illingworth Kerr Gallery, Calgary, Canada.
ACAD Faculty Exhibition
Herringer Kiss Gallery, Calgary, Alberta.
2012 Art For Food Group Show
Gallery of Angelica Library, Rome, Italy.
Presenting interactive video painting installation, Acqua Vellutata Sospesa.
XIV Generative International Art Conference.
Gulbenkian Galleries, Royal College of Art, London, UK.
RCA Secret
Illingworth Kerr Gallery, Calgary, Canada.
ACAD Faculty Exhibition
RISE Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
Happiness Machines (curated by Lee Wagstaff)
Gulbenkian Galleries, Royal College of Art, London, UK.
RCA Secret
Two Rivers Gallery, Prince George, Canada.
Illingworth Kerr Gallery, Calgary, Canada.
ACAD Faculty Exhibition
Galerie Aqui Siam Ben, Vallauris, Côte d'Azur, France.
Small Art Objects 2009 … Relating to Blue
(“Tears of Glass” - collaborative glass work with MartyKaufman).
Aula Magna, Politecnico di Milano University, Milan, Italy.
Presenting video installation “Respiro”.
XI Generative International Art Conference
Gulbenkian Galleries, Royal College of Art, London, UK.
RCA Secret
Illingworth Kerr Gallery, Calgary, Canada.
The ACADemy Show. (Curated by Wayne Baerwaldt)
Barker Hangar, Santa Monica, California, USA.
The Los Angeles Art Show
RISE Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
Leben Lieben
Gulbenkian Galleries, Royal College of Art, London, UK.
RCA Secret
Technopolis, Athens, Greece.
Athens Video */ Art Festival
Centro de Expresiones Contemporaneas. Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina.
II Festival International De Arte Digital Rosario 2006 – Muestra 01
Gulbenkian Galleries, Royal College of Art, London, UK.
RCA Secret
Roonpankar Museum of Fine Arts, Bhopal, India.
Seventh Bharat Bhavan International Biennial of Print-Art 2006
Sambard Islenskra Myndlistarmanna (SIM),
The Association of Icelandic Visual Artists, Reykjavik, Iceland.
Fax – an exhibition of work by the SIM house International Artists in Residence
For Museum Night 2006, part of Reykjavik Winter Art Festival.
Illingworth Kerr Gallery, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
ACAD Faculty Exhibition
Fournos Centre for Digital Culture, Athens, Greece.
Capturing Utopia
Gulbenkian Galleries, Royal College of Art, London, UK.
RCA Secret
Galerie d’art du Parc (Manoir de Tonnancour), Trois-Rivieres, Quebec, Canada.
La Biennale internationale d’estampe contemporaine de Trois-Rivieres (Juried) (Honourable Mention)
Illingworth Kerr Gallery, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
ACAD Faculty Exhibition
Image 54 Gallery, Calgary Alberta, Canada.
Eye Candy: Figurative Art from Western Canada
Gulbenkian Galleries, Royal College of Art, London, UK.
RCA Secret
Illingworth Kerr Gallery, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Illingworth Kerr Gallery, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
ACAD Faculty Exhibition
Medicine Hat College, Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada.
Snap Crackle Pop (AFA Traveling Exhibition)
Medicine Public Library, Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada.
Snap Crackle Pop (AFA Traveling Exhibition)
Lethbridge Public Library, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada.
Snap Crackle Pop (AFA Traveling Exhibition)
Drumheller Public Library, Drumheller, Alberta, Canada.
Snap Crackle Pop (AFA Traveling Exhibition)
Alcoma Schoo,l Rainier, Alberta, Canada.
Snap Crackle Pop (AFA Traveling Exhibition)
Seven Persons School, Seven Persons, Alberta, Canada.
Snap Crackle Pop (AFA Traveling Exhibition)
Gulbenkian Galleries, Royal College of Art, London, England.
RCA Secret
Gallery San Chun, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Interconnection – Japan & Alberta (The Contemporary Print Exchange Exhibition) (Invitational)
Two Rivers Gallery, Prince George, British Columbia , Canada.
Digital Prints (4 person exhibition curated by George Harris)
Gallery San Chun, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Generations part 2. (Curated by Bill Laing)
Illingworth Kerr Gallery, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
ACAD Faculty Exhibition
Nickle Arts Museum, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
UofC Faculty Exhibition
Wainwright Library, Wainwright, Alberta, Canada.
Snap Crackle Pop (AFA Traveling Exhibition)
SNAP Gallery, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Cho!ce & Ch?nce: TrueNorth SNAP International Print Biennial - Exhibition of Finalists
Gallery San Chun, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Generations 1980-2002. (Curated by Bill Laing)
Illingworth Kerr Gallery, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
ACAD Faculty Exhibition
Illingworth Kerr Gallery, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Artrageous Wall of Innovation Exhibition
New Leaf Editions / Dundarave Print Workshop, Vancouver, Canada.
BIMPE II: 2nd Biennial International Miniature Print Exhibition
Leighton Foundation, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Three Generations of Printmakers
The Little Gallery, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Work by Some
Gulbenkian Galleries, Royal College of Art, London, UK.
RCA Secret
The New Gallery, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Idols and Icons
Illingworth Kerr Gallery, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
ACAD Faculty Exhbition
Nickle Arts Museum, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
UofC Faculty Exhibition
Parthenon TAMA / The Citizen Gallery, Tokyo, Japan.
Canada – Japan: The 2nd TAMA International Print Exhibition
Illingworth Kerr Gallery, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
ACAD Faculty Exhbition
Illingworth Kerr Gallery, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Artrageous Wall of Art Exhibition
New Leaf Editions / Dundarave Print Workshop, Vancouver, Canada.
1st Biennial International Miniature Print Exhibition
Triangle Gallery of Visual Arts, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Recent Acquisitions: Calgary Allied Arts Foundation
City of Calgary Civic Art Collection
Gallery Stratford, Stratford, Ontario, Canada.
Arts 2000 A national celebration of visual arts produced by the
Royal Canadian Academy of Arts
Salle-Augustin-Chenier Centre d’exposition, Ville-Marie, Quebec, Canada.
Biennale internationale d’art Miniature
Image 54 Gallery, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
34 at 54…Millennium Portfolio
Nickle Arts Museum. Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
grasping nothing
The Estevan National Exhibition Centre, Estevan, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Between the Lines
Illingworth Kerr Gallery, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
ACAD Faculty Exhbition
Gallery 371 – Alberta College of Art Design, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Drawing Faculty Exhibition
Michael Gibson Gallery, London, Ontario, Canada.
11th Annual Juried Miniature Show
Kelowna Art Gallery, Kelowna, British Columbia.
Print Exchange Exhibition
Art is Vital, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Post Miniature Exhibition
Universidad Finis Terrae, Santiago, Chile,
Poles Apart
The Little Gallery, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Another Layer
Michael Gibson Gallery, London, Ontario, Canada.
10th Annual Juried Miniature Show
Mezzanine Gallery, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Alberta Printmakers Society Show
The Little Gallery, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Poles Apart: A Chile Exchange Exhibition
Salle Augustine-Chenier, Inc., Ville-Marie, Quebec, Canada.
Biennale internationale d’art miniature
Gibson Gallery, London, Ontario, Canada.
8th International Exhibition
Art 54 Gallery, (Soho) New York, New York, U.S.A.
Art 95 International
Sodarco Gallery, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
About Human Being
Gallery 788/Del Bello Gallery, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
9th International Exhibition of Miniature Art
Gibson Gallery, London, Ontario, Canada.
7th International Exhibition
Salle Augustine-Chenier, Inc., Ville-Marie, Quebec, Canada.
Biennale internationale d'art miniature
St. Thomas More Gallery, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Finding Voice
Gallery 788/Del Bello Gallery, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
8th International Exhibition of Miniature Art
John B. Arid Gallery, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Solander Box...Opened
AKA Artists Centre, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Print and Drawing Council of Canada, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Annual Members Show
St. Thomas More Gallery, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Impressions of Five
Awards, Grants, + Scholarships
Alberta Foundation for the Arts
Film & Video Individual Project Grant
Alberta University of the Arts
Faculty Professional Affairs Funding.
Alberta University of the Arts
Faculty Professional Affairs Funding.
Alberta College of Art + Design
Sabbatical (for September-December 2017).
Alberta Foundation for the Arts
Visual Arts Project Grant.
Alberta Foundation for the Arts
Purchase Award.
Alberta College of Art & Design
Faculty Research & Professional Development Award.
Alberta College of Art & Design
Faculty Research & Professional Development Award.
Alberta College of Art + Design
Faculty Research Contingency Initiative Grant. (2 awards).
Alberta College of Art + Design
Faculty Graduate Studies Tuition Assistance Award. (2 awards).
Alberta College of Art & Design
Faculty Research & Professional Development Award.
Alberta Foundation for the Arts
Purchase Award.
Alberta College of Art + Design
Faculty Graduate Studies Tuition Assistance Award.
Alberta College of Art & Design
Faculty Research & Professional Development Award.
Alberta College of Art + Design
Sabbatical (for January-September 2013).
Alberta College of Art + Design
Faculty Research Contingency Initiative Grant.
University of Calgary GSA
Professional Development Grant.
Alberta College of Art + Design
Faculty Graduate Studies Tuition Assistance Award.
University of Calgary
Faculty of Graduate Studies Travel Award.
Alberta College of Art & Design
Faculty Research & Professional Development Award. (2 awards).
Alberta Foundation for the Arts
Visual Arts Project Grant.
Alberta College of Art & Design
Faculty Research & Professional Development Award.
Small Art Objects 2009, Vallauris, Côte d'Azur, France.
10 Select Award. (“Tears of Glass” - collaborative glass work with Marty Kaufman).
Alberta College of Art & Design
Marion Award for Innovation in Research.
Alberta College of Art & Design
Faculty Research & Professional Development Award. (2 awards).
Alberta Foundation for the Arts
Visual Arts Project Grant.
Alberta Foundation for the Arts
Purchase Award (3 works).
Alberta College of Art & Design
Faculty Research & Professional Development Award.
Alberta Foundation for the Arts
Visual Arts Project Grant.
Alberta College of Art & Design
Faculty Research & Professional Development Award.
La Biennale internationale d’estampe contemporaine de Trois-Rivieres
Honourable Mention (for the integration of new technologies with print).
Alberta College of Art & Design
Faculty Research & Professional Development Award.
Alberta Foundation for the Arts
Visual Arts Project Grant.
Alberta Foundation for the Arts
Visual Arts Project Grant.
Alberta Foundation for the Arts
Purchase Award
Alberta College of Art & Design Student’s Association
ACADSA Teacher’s Cup.
Alberta Foundation for the Arts
Visual Arts Project Grant.
Canada Council for the Arts
Quest Program Multidisciplinary Creation Grant.
Alberta Foundation for the Arts
Purchase Award (3 works).
Royal College of Art, London, England.
Research Scholarship.
University of Calgary
Graduate Research Scholarship (For study at the Royal College of Art).
University of Calgary
Faculty of Fine Arts Graduate Research & Travel Award.
University of Calgary
The Alberta Foundation for the Arts Graduate Scholarship.
University of Calgary
Faculty of Fine Arts Graduate Research & Travel Award.
University of Calgary
Graduate Research Scholarship.
University of Calgary
Faculty of Graduate Studies Fee Scholarship Award.
Polaroid Canada Inc.
Polaroid Foundation Grant.
Gibson Gallery, London, Ontario.
7th Annual International Exhibition "Graphix Award".
Quill Plains Arts Council, Saskatchewan.
Award of Merit.
Gallery 788/Del Bello Gallery, Toronto.
8th Annual International Exhibition of Miniature Art "First Place".
University of Saskatchewan
Distinguished Exhibition Award.
University of Saskatchewan
Department of Art and Art History Book Prize.
University of Saskatchewan
Alumni Challenge Research Grant.
University of Saskatchewan
Undergraduate Scholarship.
Arts Saskatchewan
Purchase Awards (2)
Selected Collections
Department of Foreign Affairs, Government of Canada.
Glenbow Museum, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Palazzo Monti, Brescia, Italy.
University of Calgary Faculty of Fine Arts Associates, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Alberta University of the Arts Print Media Dept., Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Royal College of Art, London, England.
The Skopelos Foundation for the Arts, Skopelos Island, Sporades, Greece.
Novosibirsk State Art Museum, Novosibirsk, Russia.
The Alberta Foundation for the Arts, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Arya at Windermere, Ocoee, Florida, USA
Suncor Energy, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Encana Corporation, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Cenovus Energy, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Inter Pipeline, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Cardinale Restaurant, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Musters & Company, New York, N.Y., USA
City of Calgary Civic Art Collection, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Kelowna Art Gallery, Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada.
University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Okanagan University College, Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada.
University of Calgary Special Collections, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
TrueNorth Energy, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Teatro, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Millenium Seismic Ltd., Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Maxxium Canada, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Enmax Energy Corporation, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Polaroid Canada Inc., Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Culver Eye Centre, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Avenir Capital Corp., Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Burnet Duckworth & Palmer, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Griffiths, McBurney & Partners, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
modemodels, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Western World Communications, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Private Collections in England, Italy, Greece, the United States, and Canada.
Television + Radio + Online + Podcasts
Guest on All About Art with Alexander Steinacker Clark
Podcast (London, UK) on Spotify, Apple, Google, & Amazon. Date of airing: October 26, 2022
Online Interview
Meet Artist, Laurel Johannesson
Artpowher Contemporary, Switzerland
Vimeo + YouTube. Date of airing January 2021.
Guest on Italian radio program, Mezza L’una.
CJSW. Date of airing: January 30, 2008.
Television documentary
Laurel Johannesson: In Residence.
Art InClined (with host, Heather Cline)
HDTV, High Fidelity TV. Date of airing: March, 2008.
Conference Presentations (Papers + Installations)
XX Generative International Art Conference. Biblioteca Classence, Ravenna, ITALY.
Chronophobia - Temporality, Technology, and the Artist.
December 2017.
Material Environments: Sensing Time and Matter in Digital and Visual Culture Conference.
University of Greenwich, London, UK.
Playing With Time: Temporality at the Intersection of Art + Technology. Paper Presentation.
July 2015.
Technology, Knowledge and Society – Eighth International Conference.
UCLA - University of California, Los Angeles, USA.
Eternal Recurrence, Temporality, and Technology: How Contemporary Computer Art Can Learn from Early Modes of Representing Time. Paper Presentation.
January 2012.
XIV Generative International Art Conference. Rome, ITALY.
The Narkissos Project. Paper + Presentation.
December 2011.
XIV Generative International Art Conference. Rome, ITALY.
Acqua Vellutata Sospesa : Interactive Video Painting. Installation
December 2011.
ACM Multimedia International Conference. Florence, ITALY.
Acqua Vellutata Sospesa ; Interactive Video Painting. Paper + Presentation.
October 2010.
XIII Generative Art International Conference. Milan, ITALY.
Acqua Vellutata Sospesa : Interactive Video Painting. Paper, Presentation, + Installation.
December 2010.
XI Generative Art International Conference. Milan ITALY.
Respiro. Paper, Presentation, + Installation.
December 2008.
Invited Guest Lectures, Artist Talks, Tutorials + Commissions
Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity, Banff, Canada.
Keynote Speaker
Icelandic National League of North America 2023 Convention. May 2023.
Alberta College of Art + Design, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
University Summit 2018 - Research Presentation & Panel Discussion on Academic Rank Promotion in an Art + Design Context. August, 2018.
Alberta College of Art + Design, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Lecture - Playing with Time: Temporality at the Intersection of Art + Technology. March, 2017.
Ionion Center for the Arts + Culture, Kefalonia, Greece.
Guest Lecture, June 2016.
Illingworth Kerr Gallery / Candahar, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Creative Commons Lecture Series. April 2, 2012.
Grande Prairie College, Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada.
Visitor in the Arts Lecture Series. October 26, 2011.
Glenbow Museum, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Spring 2011 Exhibitions – Art For The Senses: tour of portraits from the feature exhibitions - Yousef Karsh, Zidane: A 21st Century Portrait, and works from the Glenbow Collection. June 4, 2011.
Glenbow Museum, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Spring 2011 Exhibitions – Exclusive Evening Tour: Yousef Karsh, Zidane: A 21st Century Portrait, and works from the Glenbow Collection. May 30, 2011.
Glenbow Museum, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Spring 2011 Exhibitions – Out For Lunch Series: The Portraits. May 19, 2011.
Glenbow Museum, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Spring 2011 Exhibitions – Out For Lunch Series: The Heroes. April 7, 2011.
Alberta College of Art + Design, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Marion Fund Research Award talk on the “Respiro” project presented at Generative Art International Conference/Exhibition in Milan, Italy.
EMMEDIA, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Engraving Culture Speaker Series. May 21, 2009.
Alberta College of Art + Design, Stanford Perrott Lecture Theatre, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Life after ACAD: Artist Residencies. March 12, 2009.
Alberta College of Art + Design, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Discussion on the topic of “Collaboration”. October 26, 2007.
Red Deer College, Margaret Parsons Theatre, Red Deer, Alberta, Canada.
Visiting Artist Lecture. November 7, 2006.
Hellenic International Studies in the Arts (HISA), Paros, Greece.
Artist Lecture. June 20, 2006.
Leighton Foundation, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Three Generations of Printmakers (Gallery Tour with Professor Bill Laing).
Red Deer College, Red Deer, Alberta, Canada.
Series 2002 Visiting Artist Lecture.
ACAD artrageous 2, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Edition of 31 prints for the ACAD 75th Anniversary Faculty Print Portfolio.
Red Deer College, Red Deer, Alberta, Canada.
Series 2001 Visiting Artist Lecture.
Alberta College of Art + Design, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Photography Department Guest Artist.
Red Deer College, Red Deer, Alberta, Canada.
Series 2000 Visiting Artist Lecture.
SNAP Society of Northern Alberta Print Artists, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Edition of 20 prints plus one artist’s proof entitled Weathered, for the 2000+ SNAP Portfolio.
Red Deer College, Red Deer, Alberta, Canada.
Summerscapes ’99 Visiting Artist Lecture.
Kent Institute of Art and Design, Canterbury, UK.
Tutorials, Department of Art
Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Edition of 88 books/prints entitled Memory Book.
Nickle Arts Museum. University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Visiting Artist Lecture Series.
Take Action in the Spirit of Sisterhood. Deb Cummings. University of Calgary. February 5, 2025.
Mapping Printmaking: Work in Progress World Book. Curated by Nuno Canelas. April, 2024. Pg 58-61.
Laurel Johannesson - Parallel Universes. Francois-Laurent Renet. Art Talk Magazine. December 2022.
Podcast Picks! Art World Edition. Amy Kamin. Spotlight on Art Basel Miami Beach Magazine. November 2022.
Extended: Laurel Johannesson - Wake. / Kunst Bulletin. November, 2022.
Otherworldly - with Laurel Johannesson. Igrien Liu. Currant Magazine. June, 2022. ISBN/EAN: 9789083158327
Inside the LOOK2022 Art Exhibition at Contemporary Calgary. Chris Landry. Avenue Magazine. June, 2022.
LAUREL JOHANNESSON, mesmerising manipulated photographies to expose the vulnerability of the body. Simona Serban. CLOT Magazine. March, 2022
Featuring a Recurring Cast of Figures, Laurel Johannesson Explores Liminal Space. Laura Shirk. Creative Magazine. March - April, 2022.
Situations. Yael Bar Cohen. Vouet Magazine. March 2022.
Work of Art: Sopra L'acqua 9. Katherine Ylitalo. Avenue Magazine. March, 2022.
Vignettes - Laurel Johannesson: "It's not the end of the world". Robin Laurence. Preview. February - March, 2022.
Calgary Arts Events to Check Out in February. Chris Landry. February, 2022.
Laurel Johannesson - Interview. Leila Antakly. Ninu Nina magazine. January 11, 2022.
Infinite Laurel Johannesson. Masha Orlov. The Know magazine, New York City, New York. September 22, 2021.
in conversation with: laurel johannesson. Emerald Arguelles. aint-bad magazine, Savannah, Georgia. August 19, 2021.
Novosibirsk International Graphic Art Triennial 2021. Exhibition Catalogue. Novosibirsk State Art Museum, Russia.
Balancing between the real, surreal and imagined: with Laurel Johannesson. FAYD Magazine, Manchester, UK. June 7, 2021.
ELLE Escape: Situations. Joanna Fox. ELLE Canada. June 2021. Pg. 98.
Laurel Johannesson’s Situations: Finding Comfort and Connections in Liminal Zones. Victor Sledge. Noah Becker's Whitehot Magazine of Contemporary Art. May, 2021.
Laurel Johannesson : Situations – The Oblivion Seekers. L’Œil de la Photographie / The Eye of Photography, Paris, France. April 26, 2021.
Intervista a Laurel Johannesson. Francesca Longhini. NEWLAB. Brescia, Italy. April, 2021.
Meet Artist, Laurel Johannesson. Artpowher Contemporary Vimeo and Youtube, Zurich, Switzerland.January 2021.
“Transatlantico” Mana Contemporary / Jersey City. Flash Art, Milan, Italy.December 7, 2020.
Interview: Palazzo Monti Artist Residency Founder, Edoardo Monti. Evan Malachosky. Cool Hunting, New York, NY. November 4, 2020.
Palazzo Monti presenta «Transatlantico». Architectural Digest Italia, Milan, Italy. October 19, 2020.
Three years of Palazzo Monti in exhibition with 'Transatlantico'. NSS Magazine, Milan, Italy. October 23, 2020.
Transatlantico, inaugurata a Jersey City la mostra sulla residenza italiana Palazzo Monti. Desirée Maida. Artribune, Rome, Italy. October 21, 2020.
Mana Contemporary / Palazzo Monti: "Transatlantico". Constanza Falco Raez. FLAUNT Magazine, Los Angeles, CA. October 19, 2020.
Palazzo Monti Retrospective. Interni Magazine, Milan, Italy. October, 2020.
Must-Sees This Week: February 1 to 7, 2018. Canadian Art Magazine. February 1, 2018.
Dreamlike Photos of the Ocean Inspired by Mythology. Alison Nastasi, Editor. Flavorpill FLAVORWIRE, New York, NY. April 9, 2017.
Going Deeper With Laurel Johannesson. Aserica Magazine. Tokyo, L.A, London, Paris. 2017.
Moving Images: Exposure 2017 offers up photographers who have great focus - Laurel Johannesson. Bruce Weir. Calgary Herald / Swerve Magazine. January 27, 2017.
Visual Art Exhibitions and Events in February You Should Know About. Karin Olafson. Avenue Magazine. February 1, 2017.
Through The Liquid Lens: Questions for Laurel Johannesson. Lori Lofgren. SCAN Publication by CoLab. Issue 2. August, 2016. pg. 13-14.
H Laurel Johannesson στα Κεφαλονίa / Laurel Johannesson in Kefalonia. Interview in Κεφαλονίτικα Νέα / Kefalonitikia News. May 30, 2016.
Η έκθεση της Laurel Johannesson στο Ιόνιο Κέντρο Τεχνών και Πολιτισμού / The Exhibition of Laurel Johannesson at the Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture. Interview by Katerina Foka in KEFALONIzo... entertainment. May 29, 2016.
THIRST: ΕΚΘΕΣΗ ΤΗΣ LAUREL JOHANNESON ΣΤΟ ΙΟΝΙΟ ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΤΕΧΝΩΝ / Thirst: The Exhibition of Laurel Johannesson at the Ionion Center for Arts and Culture. Kefalonia Photo. May 26, 2016.
Global Print 2015. Douro, Portugal. Exhibition Catalogue. Curated by Nuno Canelas.
Printed in: Canada/Taiwan. Exhibition catalogue. Curated by Guy Langevin and Rock Shen. 2014.
Laurel Johannesson - A Life Aquatic. Brieanne Biblow. Catalyst magazine. Fall 2013. pg. 36-37.
"Thirst - Immersion #18" featured in Alberta Views magazine, September, 2013. Volume 16, Number 7. pg. 23.
Dreamy Photos Captured from an Underwater Perspective. Alison Nastasi, Editor. Flavorpill FLAVORWIRE, New York, NY. August 25, 2012.
photos taken from under the water’s surface by laurel johannesson. Lara Mikocki, Editor. designboom, Milan, Italy. August 22, 2012.
Inuit Throat Singer Kicks Off College Series. Kirsten Goruk, Daily Herald-Tribune, Grande Prairie, Alberta. September 21, 2011.
The Beautiful Ways of Innovation. UToday. University of Calgary. August 11, 2011.
Journal of Computational Media Design. Akimbo Publications. February 19, 2011.
Two Oceans: Laurel Johannesson, exhibition catalogue. June 2007.
“Apothiki Art Center: Four Seasons Young”. Dirk Drijbooms. Paros Life Magazine. April 2007.
Seventh Bharat Bhavan International Biennial of Print Art 2006, exhibition catalogue. Harchandan Singh Bhatty & Christopher David, et al. February, 2006.
Capturing Utopia. Foto @rt Magazine, September, 2005.
Capturing Utopia Exhibition of Digital Photography at Athens Fournos Centre. Culture Guide, Athens, Greece. September, 2005.
La Biennale internationale d’estampe contemporaine de Trois-Rivieres, exhibition catalogue. Jo Anne Lanneville & Guy Langevin, et al. June 2005. Pg 27, 88-91.
Lebel exhibits today’s culture and ideas. Jessica Gergely, Pincher Creek Echo. February 10, 2004.
Traditional vs. Conventional. Christine Skorepa, PG This Week. October 12, 2003.
Digital with a Difference. The Free Press, Prince George, BC. October 16, 2003.
Digital Prints. George Harris, Two Rivers Gallery Publication, October, 2003.
Snap Crackle Pop Arts Traveling Exhibition now at Wainwright Library. Erika Foley, The Wainwright Star Chronicle. July 15, 2003.
Artrageous Antics Benefit Students. Joanne Sasvari, Calgary Herald, October 19, 2002.
Cho!ce & Ch?nce: the exhibition of the first TrueNorth SNAP International Print Biennial 2002, exhibition catalogue, September 2002.
BIMPE: Second Biennial International Miniature Print Exhibition, exhibition catalogue, July 2002.
Polaroid Technology Endures. Penny Caster, Red Deer Advocate, August 9, 2002.
Drawing Down the Muse. Patricia Robertson, Calgary Straight, Vol. 3, #128, Feb 8, 2001.
“Weathered #2 and “Weathered #3 (digital prints) on the cover of the Calgary Straight, Vol. 3, #128, February 8, 2001.
“Anamnesis” and “Six Views of a Moment” (digital prints) published in the Calgary Straight. Pages 3and 5, Vol. 3, #128, Feb. 8, 2001.
2000+ SNAP portfolio. SNAP Gallery quarterly newsletter, Summer 2001.
Laurel Johannesson. Patricia Robertson, New West Review: a journal of culture and commentary, Issue 25.2 (Spring 2000).
Three new artists: Allyson Glenn, Bradley Harms, and Laurel Johannesson. Anne Severson, WHERE: Gallery Guide, Fall 2000.
National Art Exhibit Bears U of C Stamp. University of Calgary Gazette, July 10, 2000.
Canada – Japan: The 2nd Tama International Print Exhibition, exhibition catalogue, edited by Koichi Kiyono, Yasuyuki Ueda, Norimasa Mizutani, Akiko Taniguchi, published by the Tama City Cultural Foundation, 2000.
Administrative, Teaching, + Editorial Positions
Alberta University of the Arts (formerly Alberta College of Art + Design), Calgary, Canada.
Associate Chair, School of Visual Arts
Alberta University of the Arts
Associate Professor
Alberta College of Art + Design, Calgary, Canada.
Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Studies
Alberta College of Art + Design, Calgary, Canada.
Assistant Professor
Alberta College of Art + Design, Calgary, Canada
2003-2007 + 2008-2009
Head of Drawing Program
Alberta College of Art + Design, Calgary, Canada.
Founder, Editor, Web Director
⌘J - Journal of Computational Media Design
Editorial Board Member
GASATHJ - Generative Art, Science and Technology Hard Journal, Italy.
Sessional Faculty - Print Media + Drawing
Alberta College of Art + Design, Calgary, Canada.
Sessional Faculty - Drawing
Red Deer College, Red Deer, Canada.
Sessional Faculty - Drawing and Art Fundamentals
University of Calgary, Canada.